Thursday, May 24, 2007

Tired of Being Sick

It has been a week now and I am tired of being sick. I have been having bad headaches for the last 2 weeks but then I woke up on Monday with a horrible sore throat and ear ache and no voice! Then I had to try and make a doctor's appoinment! Have you tried to make a doctors appoinment when everyone is sick, noone can hear you cause you can not talk and the active duty guys have first dips on the doctors appoinments. After half a day I finally got in to see the doc, then it took another half a day to get the meds. No knitting or sewing got done the last few days. I want to go to the beach! Oh the beach, sand in my toes and waves lapping!

I got to see my littlest grandson this weekend Noah! He is really growing and getting to be a little hand full but still a cutie pie, here is a picture of him, we call him cool breeze in this picture. In this picture he is only 3 months. He is almost 4 months now. Love his glasses and smile.

He loves for you to rub his tummy and walk around outside, he is a happy baby most of the time and a big eater! I got the golden shower this weekend even though I thought I had him covered. I have to be more careful next time. I cannot forget my oldest grandson John David, he's a little cutie also.Need to go rest for now. Will post another one of my quilts tomorrow. My purple quilt! Good night boys


Ariel said...

Your grandsons are adorable!!! Hope you're feeling better. :-)

Deb said...

Noah & John David are soooooooooo cute!! :)
Take care of yourself, Sheila.

Deb said...

Consider yourself tagged. Check the rules on my blog. ;)