Another day at the Doctor's this time Gene had to go also. This is week 2 for the sinus infection, I don't think it is ever going to go away i got more antibodies!
Gene has a Viral Infection. I tried to tell him but he wouldn't listen or go to doctors! When he coughed it sounded like he was going to cough up a lung. I swear the man is as hard head as they come. He has been sick for over a week and kept saying he would get better, trying to get medicine down him was like choking a horse but I got some down him. I kept his fever down. The doctor gave him a butt load of medicine today! I had him eat some soup and then gave him all his medicine. At least he is asleep right now.
We went to the beach this past weekend, Saturday was Gene's birthday, he laid on the couch the entire weekend and I stayed at the pool, read a book and I did walk to the beach. I got sunburned some, but at least I wasn't home and I could hear him coughing while I was outside. I was glad that restrurants where within walking distance as the beach. I got him him food and ice cream. Of course he complained the whole time. He says I am terrible when I am sick, I have news for him, he has me beat he is worse.
We didn't make it to our neighbors funeral and that upset me some but Gene could not have gone.
I haven't got to knit or sew much these past 2 weeks. One because of sickness two because it is so darn hot upstairs in my room so no sewing. It gets so warm up here you want to fall asleep. Next week that will change, we get a new cooling system, 2 one for upstairs one for downstairs, Yea!
Well I will close I was going to post a picture of boys and me together Aren't they great looking boys. They are my sweeties. This picture was taken almost 2 years ago at our wedding. I made my dress and the boys all had on purple ties, they where so cute! Till next time, take care and have a good week. 

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