I can't believe that October is just a few days away! Time has gone by fast. The State fair is just in a few weeks. I haven't entered anything in it again this year. Next year I hope to enter either my MS3 shawl,
finished or my Army quilt
! I also have a Flag quilt that I need to finish, forgot to take a picture of it. I have the strips done, I have 3 rows of the stars done and they are pinned on a mini design board. I have been working on this pair of socks for Gene, I had to find more of the yarn because I made the longer than the pattern said to, but then I never go by a pattern, Gene likes his socks long on his leg, army days, I have one just about finished! I just need more time in a day.
I am in a group on Yahoo called Noqquilt and we are exchanging Friendship stars, I have them pinned on my large design board. I am waiting for them to talk to me as to how they want to be arranged.
If I can get my mind too it I have about 10 purses that I have knitted/designed that I need to do finishing touches to. I have had most of these bags done for over 2 years. I just can't seem to set down and do the beading that I want to do. I have the beads and beads. I keep changing my mind what I want to do to them. Gene and the boys keep telling me to finish them and to sell them. A couple of them I have scarfs made to match them.
What has been going on here since I posted last: Gene is almost half way finished with this session of his master's program! He doesn't like this sessions to much. His boss at work is already on his case to start thinking about going for his doctorate! I think it is a good idea, but I think he needs a couple of months after he finishes this program to rest his weary brain. I must admit I have learned a lot these last 18 months. We have been watching the "War" program on PBS about WWII and alot of what he has written/learned about was there. Of course he already knew alot about WWII his father was in the Navy I believe during WWII! Gene grew up with the military, his father was in WWII and I know his dad did 2 tours in Vietnam in the Army Special Forces. I think his dad was in another war but I don't remember! I know he had 2 Uncles in WWI. We have alot of pictures and cards from his Uncle time in Europe during the war. Some of the cards are very neat!
I am doing okay, sinuses are driving me crazy, I have had a nasty headache all week. Plus I was trying not to step on the little dog and twisted my right leg, my driving foot for my sewing machine and car. The stupid thing has been swollen all week and hurts like heck! I go to the doctors on Tuesday so we will see. I don't think they will tell me to do anything except what I am doing now, keeping it elevated and on ice! I did finish the quilt for RaNae for her book. Charlotte had started it and couldn't get it finished so I finished it and I will put it in the mail tomorrow for her. I can't show you a picture of it since it will be in a book. I have been busy this week sewing the quilt and knitting.
Little Noah has 2 bottom teeth now and the top 2 are trying to come through. I have a new picture of him, Chris sent me some pictures from snapfish and I ordered them. I don't have any way to post the picture. I am going to e-mail Chris to send me the picture though. John David turned 3 on Sunday the 21st, no I didn't get to go to his party, I did send his present by my younger son. I know they had a good time. My younger son got another job, this job is in Raleigh. It means more money for him but is alot furture away from me then his current job. I will have to go to Raleigh to see him. I go into Raleigh at least once a month maybe now it will be more.He is still living with his brother. Hopefully by the new year he will be able to afford his own place.
The animals are fine, Gene still spoils the heck out of them especially Harley! The dog sleeps 23 1/2 hours a day! Lazy little fellow.
Well that is all for now. Need to get a few things done. As aways love to my boys from your mom and grand mom. I do hope everyone out there has a good month.
What an awesome blog! You're a very talented lady and I'm so glad you share that talent with us. :o)
The shawl is just gorgeous (did I spell that right?) and the Army quilt just blew me away. You shouldn't just enter one or the other in the fair, you should enter both. They for sure will win you a ribbon, they are just awesome. And so many who go to the fair will appreciate the beauty of the Army quilt as so many have family members who serve or serve themselves. You should definitely enter it!!!!!!
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